Photo credit: Parris Cues
When you are in the market for a new cue, you may see the terms handmade and hand crafted snooker cues quite a bit.
It is all to do with how the cue is made. If you want to know more about the difference between handmade and hand crafted snooker cues, then keep reading.
Handmade literally refers to a cue being made by hand, and not a machine. If you are lucky enough to get one, then you will have a totally unique cue that will not be replicated anywhere.
The thing with handmade cues, because they take longer to make, they are always in hot demand.
Most people who handmake cues can probably get through about 100 in a year, and because of the quality, they get snapped up pretty quickly.
Hand crafted
Hand crafted is very similar, and can be defined as “made skilfully by hand”. Not all handmade products have this.
Using this term also suggests professionalism and care on behalf of the maker.
Hand crafted gives the impression of quality and skill in the process of making the cue.
Like with handmade, these cues tend to go quickly, so be aware when you are looking for one.
It is important to remember buying an expensive cue alone will not automatically make you a better player, but it does mean you are more likely set for life as far as your cue is concerned.
Further reading
We know a thing or two about finding high-quality snooker cues.
It’s not always easy, especially with so many options on the market and so many potential places to buy from.
That’s why we’ve done the hard work already. Simply determine your preferred price and get started with these great guides:
Best snooker cue brands: 4 great options
Budget snooker cues: 5 options under £50
Mid-range snooker cues: 5 options under £100
Top-of-the-range snooker cues: 5 options over £100
Always remember, a quality snooker cue is an investment in your game. Taking the time to identify these key factors will ensure you find a cue that enhances your performance and lasts for years to come.

Snooker Jim
Gone from a 6ft table in my dad's garage as a kid to a 9ft table at the office, with the full-size snooker club visits in between. Hoping one day to get the playing technique right.
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